19 February, 2009


Is a precious and wonderful thing and I suppose that I am making up for last week but I sure have gotten a lot of it recently. I have been getting so worn out from the easiest things lately, its ridiculous!
The days have been getting prettier and prettier and I cannot wait until spring comes, sitting outside on the front lawn is one of my favorite things to do, so relaxing and you never know who will stop by and talk or color or what wonderful pictures you will get from it!

Im going home this weekend! Carmen will be twenty (seriously?) and its Mardi Gras! Lassiez les bons temps roulez! Im so excited, and Amanda is coming home with me! I am really looking forward to spending time with her since she moved and I only see her now during chapel or a scheduled time.

A friend recently said she was sad that I don't have a significant other. I said that I wasn't because I am currently happy with my situation in life. I am content and happy with what God has given me and whatever blessings he's got in store-bring em on, but in His good time.

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