24 April, 2008

I have made the ensemble for Oklahoma!
and yes, im really excited about it! i just wish everyone could be cast ya know.....*sigh*

I know this means i oughta be ready for lots and lots of dancin' in the fall......guess i should start trying to get in shape......again. Its also really weird. This would be my last musical if i were graduating on time. Things are going so super fast right now!

I had my faculty review yesterday. It went......Nothing I didnt already recognize or anything. I think my favorite part was when one of the professors told me they should not have given me this show! ARE YOU FRIKIN SERIOUS is what was going on in my head....I didnt really want it, just thought we had to give them options ya know? Oh well.

Im just really excited about the musical! I truly, honestly did not think I would get cast. Like for real. AHHHHHHHHH!

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